Gillett FFA Members Amplify Skills at National FFA Convention

Hanna B., Logan D. and Jacob T., Gillett FFA members attended the 88th National FFA Convention and Expo in Louisville, Kentucky October 28-31, 2015.

“Amplify” is the theme for this year’s convention and expo. “With the opportunities we are given in our lives, we must take action and share the message of agriculture with others,” said 2015-16 National FFA President Andy Paul, a student at Abraham Baldwin Agricultural College in Georgia. “It’s time we all amplify our voice when it comes to the message of agriculture, and boost our impact.”

Students attended general sessions with keynote speaker Rick Rigsby during the opening sessions on Oct. 28. On Friday morning, past state FFA officer Amberley Snyder will share her message with FFA members on how she overcame adversity. They engaged with more than 450 corporations, organizations and colleges at the expo.

Jacob T., served as one of 475 delegates at convention after being selected by the Wisconsin Association of FFA in June. He served on the committee for Enhancing Leadership Development Opportunities for All Members that made recommendations for the National FFA Board of Directors.

Gillett FFA advisor, Kellie Claflin, served as a panelist for the Teach Ag workshop, one of 70 leadership workshops available for members, that encouraged FFA members to become agricultural educators.

FFA members toured industry destinations, including Miller Park to learn about turfgrass and landscaping, Corvette assembly plant and museum, Mammoth Cave National Park and Ozark Fish Hatchery to learn more about agriculture.

The National FFA Organization provides leadership, personal growth and career success training through agricultural education to 629,367 student members who belong to one of 7,757 local FFA chapters throughout the U.S., Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands.

Livestock MAQA Requirements

In order to align with the state standards, the Oconto County Fair Board has decided the following species exhibitors must attend MAQA (Meat Animal Quality Assurance) training dairy, dairy goat, rabbit, and poultry in addition to beef, sheep, swine and meat goats in order to be eligible to sell in the 2016 Sale of Champions.

The MAQA trainings scheduled for this year:

Saturday, January 9—Washington Middle School, Oconto Falls 8:00 – 9:30 am
Thursday, March 24—Pound Town Hall, Coleman 7:00 – 8:30 pm
Saturday, April 30—Washington Middle School, Oconto Falls 2:30 – 4:00 pm

Registration for these trainings is requested at least two weeks prior to the event date. You can register by calling the Oconto County UW-Extension Office (920) 834-6845.

The Pulaski FFA Chapter is hosting one MAQA training: Tuesday, June 21- Pulaski High School Ag Room, Pulaski 6:00 pm Registration for this training is required by June 8, 2016. It is preferred if you register for this event via email at, or you may call (920) 737-6893.

Please see letter from Sarah Mills-Lloyd, Oconto County Extension Agent

MAQA Trainings

Gillett FFA Members Attend Parliamentary Procedure Workshop

Kalea B. and Logan D. attended a FFA Parliamentary Procedure Workshop in Shawano on November 10 presented by the UW-River Falls Agricultural Education Society. They learned about different types of motions and other techniques to properly run a meeting. “It actually showed me how to run a meeting and become a better participant,” said Logan.

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